COLLECTION OF museum sonobudoyo

Serat Centhini

Serat Centhini tell food from various regions, ranging from Bogor, Sokayasa, Majarata, Prambanan temple, Magelang, Banyumas, Tembayat, Matesih, Magetan, Besuki, Banyuwangi, Jember and Malang. Kinds of culinary contained in This Fiber, among others, various kinds of rice and a Cone, a variety of vegetable, a variety of side-dishes, drinks, a variety of fruits, and a variety of snacks or cake. There are few foods in This Fiber up to this time still survive and become the identity of the region, such as Warm (Yogyakarta), Srabi and Nasi Liwet (Surakarta), and Manco (Purbalingga).
