Statues made of bronze is made around the 9th-10th century. The statue of Sri depicted sitting on top of the padmasana with the attitude sattwaparyangkasana. The right hand being waradahastamudra, while the left hand holds a sprig of rice/barley. The presence of sirascakra (hello, circle the divinity contained in the back of the head) shows that he has a position as a goddess. He was also described as wearing jatamakuta (the crown in the form of the torsion of the hair), kundala (earrings), hara (necklace), channawira (ornate straps that crossed at chest), keyura (chelate shoulder), kankana (bracelets) and urudamaj (jewels hanging on the waist). The statue is owned Resink which is then given to Java-Instituut, later in the year 1935 the statue was donated to the Museum Sonobudoyo.