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Jl. Pangurakan No. 6, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, DIY



Museum Sonobudoyo is a foundation that is engaged in the culture of Java, Madura, Bali and Lombok. The foundation is standing in Surakarta in 1919 named Java Instituut. In the decision of the Congress of 1924 Java Instituut will establish a museum in Yogyakarta. In 1929 the collection of cultural data from Java, Madura, Bali and Lombok. Planning committee the Establishment of the Museum was formed in 1931 with members, among others: Ir.Th. Karsten P. H. W. Sitsen, Koeperberg.

The building of the museum using the ground of the former “Shouten” land of the gifts of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII and marked with the words candrasengkala “Blind feel estining lata” is the year 1865 Java or a 1934 Ad. While the inauguration was done by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana VIII on Wednesday wage on 9 Ruwah 1866 Java characterized by candra sengkala “Wood Winayang Ing Brahmin Buddha” which means the Javanese year or the exact date is November 6, 1935 Ad. During the Japanese occupation Museum Sonobudoyo is managed by the Regent Paniradyapati Wiyata Praja (Office of the Social part of teaching). In the era of Independence then managed by the Regent Utorodyopati Culture Prawito that the ranks of the government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Furthermore, at the end of 1974 Museum Sonobudoyo submitted to the Central Government / Ministry of Education and Culture and are directly responsible to the Directorate General with the enactment of Law No. 22 year 2000 on the authority of the Government and the authorities of the Provinces as Autonomous Regions. Sonobudoyo Museum from January 2001 to join at the Department of Culture and Tourism of yogyakarta Province proposed to be UPTD Regulation No. 7 / Th. 2002 Feb. August 3, 2002 on the establishment and organization of UPTD at the Regional Office within the Government of Yogyakarta Special Region Province, and Governor DECREE No. 161 / Th. 2002 Feb. November 4, about the TU – Poksi.


Sonobudoyo Museum has a collection-a collection featured below :


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