Statues of the Pantheon of Buddhist Deities this be a collection of Technical implementation Unit of the State Museum Mpu Tantular from the date of 30 December 1992 and this time placed in the Exhibition halls of the Museum. In The Year 2018 A collection of the Pantheon of Buddhist Deities have been defined as objects of Cultural Heritage ranking of the East Java Province with the Decision of the Governor of East Java, No : 188 /751/KPTS/013/2018 December 17, 2018
A bronze statue of the village of Kunti, Kecamatan Bungkal Ponorogo District, it was found by a farmer accidentally. Overall this statue at the time found a total of 70 (seventy) statues there are some that are no longer intact. On some of the sculptures found a slab of metal from gold, others of silver. Metal plate that says the spell is folded 7 (seven) folds and inserted into the bottom of the statue. Of the many sculptures within 2 (two) sheets are successfully removed the remains of which still remain stuck in the sculpture as the original. The development of Buddhism in Indonesia is known to start from the IX century in Central Java, which is then characterized by the presence of remnants of the temple of Borobudur is still used in every time of the ceremony of vesak.
Statues of the Pantheon of Buddhist Deities complete ever found also in Nganjuk, but when these sculptures will be brought to the Netherlands by boat a large fire which gutted the entire contents of the vessel.
The religion of Buddhism that developed in Indonesia there are two schools of Mahayana (great vehicle) and Hinayana (small vehicle), but appears more of its adherents is a stream of Mahayana Buddhism. In Mahayana Buddhism known as the supreme deity called the Adi Buddha. To monitor the survival of Buddhism in the world then the Adi Buddha transformed into Dhyanibuddha who remained in heaven. Word Dhyani means samadhi; The Buddha that is without beginning and end, so that the Dhyani Buddha, although not living in the world but the important news of the Buddha until whenever because Dhyanibuddha can not be associated directly with human then he emits a representative called Human Buddha (Buddha of the human). After the Human Buddha was dead survival of the duties delegated to Dhyanibodhisattwa (Bodhi = mind and sattva = properties).
Of all the series of god of the Adi Buddha, Dhyani Buddha, Dhyani Bodhisattva and Human Buddha referred to as the pantheon of the gods or a set of gods. In Buddhism in a pantheon of gods consists of the main gods and minor gods. The main gods among the other 5 (five) dhyani buddha, Jambala, Manjusri and so forth, while the minor gods, among others, the guardian gods of the cardinal directions or guard the outer circle of the Mandala of the Buddha.
Of the many series of Dhyani Buddha, Dhyani Bodhisattva and Human buddha within 5 (five) are often called and dipuka, either in the form of anthropomorphic or in the poem religious, namely:
Dhyani buddha: Wairocana
Dhyani Bodhisattva: samantabhadra
Human Buddha: Krakucchanda
Dhyani buddha: Akshobya
Dhyani Bodhisattva: Wajrapani
Human Buddha: Kanakamuni
Dhyani buddha: Amoghasidhi
Dhyani Bodhisattva: Ratnapani
Human Buddha: Kacyapa
Dhyani buddhas: Amitabha
Dhyani Bodhisattva: Awalokiteswarae
Human Buddha: Cakyamuni
Dhyani buddha: Ratnasambhawa
Dhyan Bodhisattva: Wiswapani
Human Buddha: Maitreya
Humans instinctively have the side of religion in the pattern of his thinking and to believe in the great power of the invisible as well as the master of the universe, which then manifested into some form of icons or symbols. This icon can be interpreted as figures, images embodiment or a sign that is known in general and have a particular meaning. In Indian culture, this icon is used to represent a manifestation of god in the form of Statues made of stone, metal or a leaf or a particular paper.
The function of the Statue itself was related to religious rituals due to being part of religious ritual itself. Arca is the object of the worship which is actually a medium for human communication with gods are worshiped trust banwa in worship, the devotee diwajiibkan make eye contact with the divine eye, which diarcakan. Therefore the vision of the eyes arca (darshan) which falls on the eyes of the worshippers become one of the svarat in pengarcaan gods. Statues can be used also as a tool for concentration at the time of meditation. A number of statues depicting the practice of meditation which is shown through a mudra and asanahis.