Fossils of Pithecanthropus Erectus this be a collection of Technical implementation Unit of the State Museum Mpu Tantular museum since September 2, 1988 with a number of Inventory collection 02.21 F and is currently placed in the Exhibition halls of the Museum. On 2016 the Collection of Fossil Pithecantropus Erectus have been defined as objects of Cultural Heritage ranking of the East Java Province with the Decision of the Governor of East Java, No : 188 /785 /KPTS/013/2016 December 27, 2016
Human skull Fossil Ngawi I, is one of the variants of human fossils Pithecanthrophus soloensis are estimated to live on Kala-Pleistocene Upper or expected life at 300,000 years ago. Before the findings of the Human Fossil Ngawi I, Human Fossils Pithecanthrophus soloensis found at Ngandong (Ngandong 1 to 12), Sangiran (S 17), and in Sambungmacan, Sragen (Sm1, Sm2). With the discovery of Human Fossils Ngawi I, it can be seen that the distribution of the findings of human fossils Pithecanthropus soloensis found at Ngandong, Sangiran, Sambungmacan, and Ngawi. Also note type Pithecanthropus soloensis his life on Kala late Pleistocene Middle to late Pleistocene Above. In the cultural life of ancient humans category Pithecanthropus solensis can be aware of the characteristics of life use the bone tools, balls of rock, tools and flakes. Culture is included in the culture of Ngandong (Ngandongian).
Originally a human skull fossil, discovered accidentally by a student of the technical School Upper Secondary named Chess Day Gumono in Ngawi around August 1987, at the edge of the left side of the Bengawan Solo river in the Hamlet of Mulyorejo, Desa Karangtengah, District Kedunggalar, Ngawi, then handed over by the authorities of the Regional Government of Kabupaten Ngawi to UPT. The State Museum Mpu Tantular, In December 1988, the curator of the Geological Museum of Bandung, namely Mr. S. Darsoprajitno have seen and researched it and then find the findings of a Human Skull Fossil Ngawi I, reported to the S. Sartono, a lecturer in Geological Engineering from Bandung.
Hasill research about the diagnosis taxonomy of the Human Skull Fossil Ngawi I, presented in the activities of the International Seminar on Indo-Pascific Prehistory 1990 on 24 August 1990 to September 2, 1990 in Yogyakarta. The results of the research of S. Sartono show that the diagnosis of a Human Skull Fossil Ngawi I, defined as the human fossil variants Pithecanthropus soloensisso categorized is more advanced compared with the type of Pithecanthropus erectus and more primitive compared to human kind Homo wadjakensis.
From the research of S. Sartono, be aware that the findings of the Human Skull Fossil Ngawi I, derived from the layer of Kala late Pleistocene Above and considered to be contemporaneous with a layer of Kala late Pleistocene Above: formation of the human fossil Ngandong I to Ngandong 12 as well as the findings of the Notopuro, where the discovery of human fossils Sambungmacan I, Sragen. On the basis of the then Human Skull Fossil Ngawi I classified and entered as Pithecanthropus solensis contemporaneous with the human fossil Ngandong 1 – 12, Sambungmacan 1 and Sangiran 17.
Based on the research Sukadana 1989, it is known that the volume of the brain of a Human Skull Fossil Ngawi I ranges from 1000 cc and what it is yet is male. Also known physical traits are more primitive than human fossil Ngandong: Pithecanthropus soloensis namely 1,200 cc but more progressive than the human fossil Sandpipers: Pithecanthropus erectus namely 600 CC. Part bulge of the forehead is very real, the back of the head angled holes marrow back the same as the hole marrow Pithecanthropus erectus that is more to the back. Thus is not expected to be able to walk straight and not yet grasping features. Kepurbaan Human Skull Fossil Ngawi I, estimated at about 300,000 years ago or contemporaneous with the human fossil Ngandong (Jacob 1971: 282).
Recent research carried out Harry Widianto and V. Zeitoun 2003 concluded that the fossil Ngawi I enter the stage of evolution Homo erectus during the late Pleistocene. The skull is more advanced than in Trinil and Sangiran. Included in the group of early late Pleistocene Middle, while Ngawi I was 300,000 years ago the end of the late Pleistocene Middle.