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Jl. Raya Buduran – Bridge Overpass, Bedrek, Siwalanpanji, Kec. Buduran, Kabupaten Sidoarjo.



The State Museum Mpu Tantular museum is a state museum located in kecamatan Buduran, Sidoarjo, East Java. Initially, the museum was named the Stedelijk Historisch Museum Soerabaia, founded by Godfried von Faber in 1933 and was inaugurated on July 25, 1937. Today, the museum is managed by the Technical implementation Unit at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The forerunner to the establishment of the State Museum Mpu Tantular museum is the establishment of cultural institutions Stedelijk Historisch Museum Soerabaia by Godfried Hariowald von Faber, a resident of Surabaya nationals of Germany, in 1933, which was inaugurated on July 25, 1937.

In 1964, the museum is obtained funding from the Foundation, Mr. Prof Dr. M. Soetopo. After the establishment of the Directorate of the Museum in the Ministry of Education And Culture, Government attention to museum run by the Foundation of Public Education became more serious.

Museum of Public Education was opened for public on May 23, 1972 and was inaugurated with the name “Museum of East Java”. Next arising the initiative to hand over these Cultural Institutions to the Local Government of East Java Province. In the process of the nationalization, the Foundation of Public Education work together with representatives of the Office of the Development of the Museum in the Ministry of Education and Culture. With the issuance of the DECREE of the Minister of Education and Culture dated February 13, 1974 Number 040/a/C 1974, the Museum of East Java, the status of State Museum. The inauguration will be held on November 1, 1974 with the handover of the Chairman of the Foundation for Public Education to Culture R. Banu Iskandar to the Director General Prof. Dr. I. B. Mantra.

Furthermore, the museum of East Java was inaugurated with the name of the “State Museum of the East Java Mpu Tantular museum” located in the Path of Youth 3 Surabaya. Because of the increase in the collection, in mid-1975, the museum was moved to a more spacious, which is in Jalan Taman Mayangkara No. 6 Surabaya, which was inaugurated on August 12, 1977 by the Governor of East Java Sunandar Priyosudarmo. Furthermore, on May 14, 2004, occupies a fixed location in Jl. Raya Buduran, Sidoarjo (west of the Overpass and turn left).


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