Durga Mahesasuramardhini

Durga Mahesasuramardhini be a collection of Technical implementation Unit of the State Museum Mpu Tantular museum since June 11, 1976 with a number of Inventory collection 04.1966 AK and is currently placed in the Exhibition halls of the Museum. In 2016 the Collection of Durga MahesaSuramardhini have been defined as objects of Cultural Heritage ranking of the East Java Province with the Decision of the Governor of East Java, No : 188 / 784/KPTS/013/2016

The statues of Durga Mahesasuramardhini is derived from Jawi Temple. This statue be very interesting and specific because ikonografinya different with Durga from East Java in general. Durga Mahesasura mahishasura mardhini, is a creation of the gods, when the palace of the gods (nirvana) is attacked by a giant tangible buffalo (mahesa). Durga is one of the manifestations of Parvati in the form of krodha (anger). In the mythology of the Hindu mentioned that when the palace of the Gods attacked by a giant tangible buffalo (mahesa), then the Gods created Durga which is then equipped with various attributes and weapons by all the Gods who inhabit heaven. 

Armed with the weapons of the gods is finally Durga managed to beat mahesa, because that's in pengarcaannya Durga always depicted standing above mahesa (buffalo male) and called by Durga Mahesasuramardhini or Durga who managed to beat Mahesa. Depicted in the attitude of Tribhangga, above the plinth mahesa.

Have 8 (eight) of the hand for each attribute as follows : the Right Hand carries the chakra (wheel of the world), kris / bethok, bana (arrow) and holding the tail mahesa while the left hand each bring sankha winged, dhanu (gendewa), khetaka (shield) and holding the head of the Asuras which is depicted at the right hand of Durga standing on the top of the head of the buffalo (mahisa). In the back of the head Durga are Sirascakra are decorated with the motif of a tongue of fire, wear karanda makuta, earrings (kundala), necklace (hara), klat shoulder (upavita), bracelets (valaya), belt chest (kankana), belt, sash and cloth to the extent of the heel.

The iconography of Goddess Durga always in the form of the goddess that stood above the body of water buffalo (mahisa) it is for describing the victory of goddess Durga against Asura tangible buffalo (mahisasura) so that the Goddess Durga is called Durga Mahisasuramardhini or Durga giant killer tangible buffalo.

As the legend that accompanies the existence of the figure of Durga then bentukm Ikonografinyapun very varied, in general, can be grouped into 3 (three) forms of the embodiment of the statue of Durga Mahisasuramardhini, namely :

  1. Durga is depicted in the attitude of Alidhasana with the head of mahisa facing to the right
  2. Durga is depicted in the attitude of Alidhasana with the head of mahisa facing to the left
  3. Durga is depicted in the attitude of the straddle by standing on the body of mahisa

In a sacred building (temple) of the Hindu Shiva's statue of goddess Durga is placed in the chambers of the temple (north side) along with the family of lord Shiva another Shiva Mahadeva, Agastya, and Ganesha.



Book of centuries ce Purana mentions that the goddess Durga created a result of the accumulation of the wrath of the gods against the attack of the giant (the asura) that are not immediately resolved. Some mytlogi tell the greatness of goddess Durga in a war between other told that Durga riding a tiger, mountain climbing Windaya which is kdiaman giant Mahisasura to challenge him in the field of battle. Mahisasura is a giant who intend to expel the gods led by Indra from swagaloka. These giants have incredible supernatural powers, can not be defeated by the God Indra and Kumara (head of the army of the guardians of heaven), so the gods agreed to unite his powers to be given to Durga. 

From the wrath of the gods came the figure of a beautiful woman who is very powerful, even in the mythology mentioned that the face of the god Shiva, the hands of the god Vishnu, the chest is formed from the power of the gods Candra, the stomach of the god Surya, the finger of god Vasu, the teeth of the god Prajapati, the hair of dewaYama, the third eye of the god Agni, the ears of the deity Vayu. In addition to its realization, the gods also complement Durga with a variety of weapons to face the giant (Asura), namely :

  1. Pinaka reward trident
  2. Visnu menghadiah chakra
  3. Varuna award sankha
  4. Agni award sakti
  5. Maruta reward dhanu and a tube of sara
  6. Indra mnghadiahi vajra and gentha
  7. Yama rewarding stick
  8. Vaya reward pasa
  9. Prajapati reward necklace of shells
  10. Brahma gifted the khadga and khetaka
  11. The Milk ocean gives beaded necklace
  12. Visvakarman give the earrings, bracelet, ornate crescent moon,ring and a battle axe
  13. Kuvera reward a cup full with wine
  14. Sesamenghadiahi-shaped necklace snake is equipped with a gemstone
  15. Himavat reward of a lion with vahananya

In the book of Amarakosa, the Goddess Durga is also considered as an incarnation of Uma or Parvati in the form of krodha, in this form is considered as a manifestation of the goddess Kali who is much revered in India for the purpose of obtaining salvation and victory. In the book of the Mahabharata and the Harivamsa is regarded as the sister of Krishna and beloved child of Yashoda.

In Ikonografinya goddess Durga always depicted have his hands more than 4 (four), it is bertujuanuntuk illustrates the power of Durga as a figure who managed to defeat the giant (asura).

In the book of the Religion, the goddess Durga has some penggambara which became known as the Nava-Durga namely Nilakanthi, Kshemankari, Haerasiddhi, Rudramsa-Durga, Vana-Durga, Agni-Durga, Jaya-Durga, Vidhyayasi-Durga, Ripumari-Durga.

Event victory this then became one of the characteristic of the iconography of the goddess Durga as the goddess of gorgeous that managed to defeat the giant (asura) so much revered as the Goddess of the Savior and Goddess Barrier Obstacles.
