Image toong

Image toong never been popular as folk entertainment in the 1950s until the 1960s.

Ganbar Toong divided into three parts:

  1. The top box-shaped berrgungsi as a container image. On the inside of the container image are arranged one by one as the screen based on the story. On the left side of the right box, equipped ropes bobble coins that hung on the wall, with the intent to raise and lower the image
  2. In the middle section there is a box with convex to 2mpt (four) pieces of the lens, and serves to look into. In the middle-the middle of the box there are lampu semprong or oil lamp serves to help the lighting when the conditions outside the dark.
  3. On the bottom of the box-shaped, has a door to save two seats down in the audience, and a sitting chair that brings the Image Toong (artist), and accordion

The audience usually consists of children, will be told a story and accompanied by the rhythm of the accordion by the artist, sawmbil lower the pendulum of coins to degrade the image-ganbar.

The spectacle of these children are sold from kampungke the village, by the way on the shoulder.
