Dogdog Lojor

Dogdog is a kind of tool pat made from a tube of bamboo or wood and made a tube-like on most of the face of the tube is covered with animal skin (goat, buffalo, or cow). When hit the skin the sound resonate dog the dog or dug dug. Lojor can be interpreted long

Made from two sections of bamboo tubes great and the length is 70 cm, the diameter is about 15 cm. Dogdog lojor allegedly developing the first time from Lebak Regency, the southern side of Banten. In indigenous communities Cipta Rasa Sukabumi, musical instruments dogdog lojor played join with instrument angklung buhun.

The function of this instrument become one of the bridesmaids in the rituals of the local community such as the seren taun or rituals. Wasp dogdog lojor performed by a number of players for the merry as a form of gratitude will result a bountiful harvest.
