Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo No. 10, Plaosan, Purworejo, Kec. Purworejo, Kabupaten Purworejo
Museum Tosan Aji initiated its establishment by the Minister of internal Affairs Soepardjo Rustam street and was unveiled by the Governor of Central Java Ismail on 13 April 1987, located at that time in the Hall of Kawedanan Kutoarjo, but then moved to Purworejo on June 10, 2001. This is done as an effort to realize a unified location of several historic buildings, such as Mosque Darul Muttaqin on the west side of the square with the Drum Pendowonya Indonesia's largest Museum, and Tosan Aji own in the south.
Tosan Aji Museum occupies the building of the former Court in the Netherlands. In this Museum not only save a collection of objects tosan aji like dagger, sword, cundrik, pike and others. But in its development the number of cultural heritage objects such as statues, inscriptions, yoni, lingam, mortar, stone pipisan, jars, batu gong, menhirs and others.
A collection of tosan aji stored there is the coming of the kingdom and the majapahit. While the objects of cultural heritage of the pre history and the classics. In the museum there are also the ancient gamelan kyai Cokronagoro that is a gift from Sri Susuhunan Pakubuwono VI to the Bupati Purworejo I, Cokronagoro I. And its collections to date amount to approximately 1.024 slats.
Tosan Aji Museum has a collection-a collection featured below :
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