The Yoni is the tool used for the means of prayer and a worship in the Hindu. Linga-yoni is a picture of a form of visual form such as with the foundation of his conception, but on the meaning of the Phallus and the Yoni is a symbol of Shiva and Parvati as men and women. A symbol or emblem is a sign-a sign made by human is used as a means to communicate. Linga-yoni is a community action Hindus to efforts to meet their needs to get a role model to think and act at that time. Yoni in the Museum Tosan Aji is the discovery in Goa Teritis in the Village of Banyuurip, which shows that at a certain period in Purworejo Regency has actually spread the Hindu religion. It also provides a knowledge for the community Purworejo about the civilization that existed in Purworejo. Yoni in the Museum Tosan Aji beneficial to education for the people of Purworejo and the preservation and conservation of a cultural heritage inherent in Purworejo. In addition, there is also a yoni that diberada on the Site of the Well which is also one of the findings of the yoni in the Village of Banyuurip, and some of the yoni other in Masjid Nurul Huda Banyuurip.