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Jl. Margo Mulyo No. 6, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, DIY



Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta is a technical implementation unit of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in the field of the museum which is under and responsible to the Director General of Culture. The Museum is located at the zero kilometer of the center of the City of Yogyakarta, precisely at Jalan Margo Mulyo No. 6, Yogyakarta.

Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta occupy the buildings of the former Fort Vredeburg. This building has been designated as a Heritage Building (BCB) national level on July 15, 1981 through Decree of the Minister of P and K of the Republic of Indonesia Number 0224/U/1981.

According to its kind Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta including the Museum a Special History as the museum's special history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation in the Region of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas who have a nationwide impact. As a special museum of history, the collection of the Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta-oriented events in history in both wins, reach, maintain, and independence. 

Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta has a diverse collection of such artifacts in a variety of shapes, objects of history related to historical events, historical documents, historical photos. Until 2020, the Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta has 7.577 Collection, good beruapa realia (original) and replica (clone).

Fort Vredeburg, which is now a Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta has been attached to the City of Yogyakarta. The background history of the City of Yogyakarta as the capital of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the capital of the REPUBLIC can not be separated with a history of Fort Vredeburg Yogyakarta. The preservation of the Fort Vredeburg museum as a museum does not mean the exaltation of the symbol of the heyday of colonial. But the goal is to get a new functionality that can provide information and the aspirations of the national struggle for future generations.


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