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Building PUI Javanologi, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jalan Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta.



Museum in Indonesia has a long history. Currently the museum has been used as a medium of informal that is capable of accompanying formal educational institutions such as schools and universities in an effort to provide information about the history of civilization and life. The public is increasingly aware of the role and significance of the museum, not just as a place of pleasure and commemoration of the past, but also honoured for the benefit of the study and research of the dynamics of complex culture. The role of the slowly has positioned the function of the museum is increasingly open to the interests and progress of society.

The idea of founding the Museum Campus at the University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, so on a so-called Museum UNS, guided by the thought that (1) should the effort of collecting and safeguarding of the heritage collection history UNS includes documentation, conservation, and preservation. (2) Museum UNS become a source of new knowledge as a counterweight, a companion, and identity that is needed to support a World Class University. (3) The visualization of the history of the founding of the UNS, which is a merger of three Universities, namely the INSTITUTE of Surakarta, High School Sports (STO), and the Academy of business Administration (AAN) Negeri Surakarta; and 7 (seven) Private Universities (PTS), namely: PTPN Veterans Branch, National University of Saraswati, the University of Cokroaminoto (UNCOK), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Cabang Surakarta, Universitas tujuh Belas Agustus (UNTAG) Branch, the Institute of Journalism Indonesia Surakarta, and the Academy of Farming Surakarta.

The Museum is the embodiment of knowledge involving the observation of sense, budi, and potential. A collection of historical objects that will be presented thematically and permanent is the inspiration that foster a sense of gratitude and appreciation, increase devotion to God ALMIGHTY, and stimulate the creativity of students. Museum UNS is a unit of modern service that has the task of inventory, save, take care, security, and utilization of objects of material evidence of the course of history, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

Museum UNS is a unit of modern services that complement and develop the availability of the object of scientific research for anyone in need. In addition, the museum UNS serves as pahéman which collects the development of the thinking of the intellectuals local, regional, and international as well as disseminate the results of such thinking for the development of science to the world Class University.



“The realization of a collective memory of historical as a source of inspiration intellectual in establishing the superiority of the nation”


  1. To realize the collection of the museum of the history UNS complete and adequate.
  2. Develop learning resources in science, technology, and culture in order to educate the life of the nation;
  3. Develop a source of information about the history of the founding of the Universitas Sebelas Maret;
  4. Establish harmonious cooperation and mutualistis with various related parties.


  1. Provide information services, data historical, and cultural documentation for students, researchers, and the general public.
  2. Dig, maintaining, and utilizing various objects that have historical value to the University of Sebelas Maret.
  3. Give awards to the figures perintisdan Institutions that are instrumental in the founding of the Universitas Sebelas Maret.
  4. It organizes various forms of activities of the scientific historical to support the development of the collection.
  5. Add to and improve the quality of facilities and infrastructure of museums that are educational and recreative.


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